1. Because the characters have become like friends.
"The show has always been such a character-driven show, and that hasn't changed much. You watch for the interactions between them and their struggles and joys. You feel like you know these people (especially after so long), and you want them to do well." - kaykayelle
2. Because of Sophia Bush!
"Brooke Davis is a great character, and I developed a girl-crush on Sophia Bush." - Miss Shapes
3. Because it's a great guilty pleasure.
"I love it when I'm sick or having a lazy day. It's my go-to DVDs (seasons 1-5 anyway...)." -�HJScott33
4. Because the show still has new stories and characters up its sleeve.
"After Peyton and Lucas left, I though it wouldn't be the same, that no character would be able to make us to forget about them and how great the show was with those two. And I was right, but Clay became a character worth watching. And after all these years, I fell in love with a new character." -�pss
5. Because you've already gotten this far.
"I've been watching OTH since it began 8 seasons ago, so I feel like I have to stick with it....unfortunately, it just won't go away!" - Anonymous
6.Because you're dying to know how it ends!
"I'm looking forward to the series finale where I'm hoping Brooke and Julian get married JUST so they can bring Peyton and Lucas back." -�Anonymous
http://tv.blogdig.net/archives/articles/September2010/09/6_Reasons_to_Keep_Watching_One_Tree_Hill.htmlPostavicu prevod sjutra..
Sigruno postoji jos milion razloga, ali oni su ove izdvojili :)
2. je najbolji! :) ♥♥♥♥